Monday, October 18, 2010

Noise Complaint 10/18/10

The great thing about punk rock music is that there are no "release seasons." In the pop and rock world, artists try to release their records at certain times of the year because they know that more people are out shopping at that time. You end up getting the biggest releases in the Spring and Fall. Punk rock bands couldn't give a shit about that rule and they release their albums as soon as they're ready to go. I love it for so many reasons but mostly because it means that each week I can bring you some great new music.

This week I've got some tracks for you from the new Less Than Jake record "TV EP." You'll hear a few random songs throughout the entire show. If you want to get a peek at what the album has in store for you, watch this nice little video they put together...

There has been some really great music coming out of the UK over the last couple of years. Bands like Gallows and the King Blues have become main stays on Noise Complaint. Tonight you'll hear some new tracks from Sharks and Random Hand along with a song from The Revolution Continues (otherwise known as TRC). I just came across them and I'm loving it. Take a look at their video for "London's Greatest Love Story."

That's it for now. Here's the playlist from tonight's show...

Less Than Jake-Animaniacs
Bouncing Souls-True Believers
Black Flag-Rise Above
Destination Anywhere-Everything's Alright
Sharks-It All Relates
Flatliners-Cut Your Teeth
Radio Birdman-Burn My Eye '78
Less Than
Madball-Glory Years
TRC-London's Greatest Love Story
Against Me-Cliche Guevara
Random Hand-Scum Triumphant
Teen Idles-Get Up And Go
Lifetime-Northbound Breakdown
Sham 69-Skin and Bone
Less Than Jake-Laverne and Shirley
Dead Milkmen-Bitchin' Camaro
One Man Army-She Wants Me Dead
No Use For A Name-Justified Black Eye
Operation Ivy-Gonna Find You
Less Than Jake-Toys R Us

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