Monday, April 4, 2011

Noise Complaint 04/04/11

I just realized that I never posted the playlist from last week. I'm really sorry about that. I don't know what came over me. Hopefully all of the goodies that I'm giving you this week will more than make up for it.

Let's start with Frank Turner. He's put out the first single off his upcoming album "England Keep My Bones." You can download I Am Disappeared RIGHT HERE for free.

If you're looking for more free music, I've got you covered. Epitaph has released a free sampler featuring new songs from a few of their upcoming records. Get it HERE.

Face to Face is back with another song that will be on their upcoming album. By the way, it looks like that album is going to be hitting the stores in May. Listen to It's Not All About You HERE.

Mikey Erg may not have to worry about performing with his band "The Ergs" anymore...because they broke up, but he's still one of the busiest guys in punk rock these days. He sat down with the gang at to chat a bit. Take a look at the whole interview HERE.

And now it's time for the playlist...

The Holy Mess-A Soulful Punk Tune About A Working Class Dreamer
Thursday-Fast To The End
Radio Birdman-New Race
The Slackers-Bo Evil
Saves The Day-Blindfolded
The Reaganomics-Chor an Idiot
The Ejected-Have You Got 10p
Apologies, I Have None-Sat In Vicky Park
Agnostic Front-City Streets
RX Bandits-Only For the Night
TSOL-Code Blue
Dropkick Murphys-Hang 'Em High
Sharks-It All Relates
Alkaline Trio-Clavicle
The Ergs-It'll Be Ok
Letlive-Casino Columbus
D.O.A.-Royal Police
Face to Face-Blind
Frank Turner-I Am Disappeared

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