Monday, November 2, 2009

Playlist 11-02-09

No giveaways this week. Sorry gang. I see you liked the interview with Steve Perry from the Cherry Popping Daddies though. It's been downloaded quite a bit. Side note...I like how I always feel the need to say, "Steve Perry from the Cherry Popping Daddies." As if I'd be interviewing Steve Perry from Journey. We agreed, no Journey psyche outs.

The big thing this week is a block of songs from bands putting out new music this month. Here are links to their myspace pages where you can hear some new stuff before it hits the stores...

A Wilhelm Scream
The Flatliners

The Lawrence Arms have released the bonos track from their new 7" "Buttsweat and Tears." You can download "Demons" HERE

You might see me in New Jersey on December 30th. The Starland Ballroom is playing host to one of the biggest shows of the year and they saved it for the end. Thursday are hosting their holiday show with Glassjaw, the Dillinger Escape Plan and United Nations in tow. It's going to be amazing, especially to see Glassjaw on the stage. Now if we can just get them to get their shit together and release a new album. You can find more info about the show HERE.

And here's what made the show...

The Vandals-I Know Huh
Mouthwash-That Girl
The Explosion-Reactor
The Gaslight Anthem-I'da Called You Woody Joe
Gatorface-Kids Stealing Kids
Teenage Bottlerocket-Do What?
The Lawrence Arms-Demons
The Vibrators-Dragnet
Alkaline Trio-Bleeder
The Toasters-You're Gonna Pay
Orange-Each Other
Thursday-Jet Black New Year
Glassjaw-Mu Empire
Fugazi-Bad Mouth
Bad Religion-Sorrow
Bayside-Devotion and Desire
Destination Anywhere-Makes My Day
A Wilhelm Scream-5 to 9
Outbreak-Losing Streak
The Flatliners-Eulogy
Defeater-Blessed Burden
NOFX-The Agony of Victory
Chuck Ragan-Rotterdam
Jim Ward-Broken Songs
Tim Barry-South Hill
Foundation-Begging to Bleed
Chris Wollard and the Ship Thieves-Reason In My Rhyme
Hayley Williams-Teenagers
Frank Turner-Try This At Home
Lewd Acts-Nightcrawlers
Madball-Fall This Time
Suicidal Tendencies-I Shot The Devil
Dillinger Escape Plan-43% Burnt
Rise and Fall-Built on Graves
Pour Habit-Institution

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