Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thank You

I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for listening to my little show Noise Complaint. This was a project that I took on when I was leaving Philadelphia for a job in DC about 2 1/2 years ago and it's still growing. I honestly didn't think I'd be doing the show 6 months later let along 2 1/5 years. You have all shown me such great support and that's what keeps me going.

I have also noticed the audience getting wider. At first it was mostly Philadelphia area listeners because of the station but now I'm getting emails from all over the world. Over the last few weeks I have sent out prizes to Mexico, Oregon, England and Louisiana just to name a few.

One of my goals when I have some extra cash is to make some stickers so we can get the word out there even further. I'll keep you updated on that. Thanks again for everything. You'll never know how much it truly means to me.

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